Compaq Presario 5000 Series
Another Blender modeling and Cycles Render Study

The challenge was to model and render the first computer I ever own. This bring me back to May 12th, 2001, when I had the opportunity of owning a Compaq Presario 5000 series and maintaining it until now. Check it out!

O desafio foi modelar e renderizar o primeiro computador que tive. Isso me leva para 12/05/2001, quando tive a oportunidade de ter um Compaq Presario série 5000 e conservá-lo até hoje.

With special thanks to Fernando Soares with great tips and the storytelling
Something like the display, even with the whole price tag - Version rendered in Blender 3.0. Below, images rendered in Blender 2.92
Trying to be accurate on the plastic texture for the blue display surface...
... as well as the cloth and the brushed steel textures for the speakers.
Rendered in Blender 3.0
The original PC supervised the whole thing btw =)
Old original photos
circa 2006-2008
20th anniversary review
If you're into vintage computing, here's some action below. It still works =)
Thanks a lot!

- Compaq brand is registered under Hewlett-Packard. It was used under Fair Use Law (study, parody, reviewing or educational purposes). No infringement or commercial exploitation is intended.

- The CRT monitor on the render (model MV740) differs from the original model I had with the original system (model B540). It was changed so the modelling could be more complex.

- Compaq é uma marca é registrada pela Hewlett-Packard. Seu logo foi usado dentro de princípios da Lei de Fair Use (estudo, paródia e caráter educacional). Não há nenhuma intenção de lucro comercial.

- O monitor CRT do render (modelo MV740) é diferente do modelo que tive no sistema (modelo B540). Foi usado para deixar a modelagem mais complexa.
Compaq Presario 5000